Janet: Full Arch & Single Tooth Treatment

Unlocking a Beautiful Smile

Janet's journey to a more comfortable and beautiful smile began with the loss of multiple upper teeth, leading to the discomfort of a denture. Through a comprehensive treatment plan that included implant surgery and the collaboration with our on-site laboratory, Janet now enjoys a transformed smile, enabling her to speak and eat comfortably without the limitations of a denture.

Janet - Full Arch & Single Tooth Implant Patient

“People say… ‘I can’t believe your teeth, they look fabulous.’ I wish I’d had them longer”

Treatment Overview

  • Janet had lost a lot of the teeth in her upper jaw over a number of years. She went to see her dentist who gave her a denture to try, but she found this very uncomfortable to wear. She came to see if we could offer her a solution that would be fixed and comfortable.

  • After visiting us for a comprehensive assessment, we found Janet was missing most of her upper back teeth and that her remaining upper front teeth would also eventually need to be replaced. She also had two molar teeth in the lower arch which would need to be replaced to improve her biting platform.

    We took a 3D CT scan, which confirmed that Janet did have enough bone to have implants placed into her upper and lower jaws. She had the option to remove her few remaining upper teeth and replace the whole arch with an implant-supported bridge, or to have two smaller bridges and leave her remaining upper teeth for the time being. Janet opted to replace all her upper teeth.

    Janet had her implant surgery under sedation which allowed her to be relaxed and completely comfortable. We removed the remaining upper teeth, placed the upper and lower implants, and fitted a temporary upper bridge so Janet was never left without teeth during the healing phase.

    Once we were able to confirm her implants had successfully integrated with her bone, we began the process of making her final bridges.

    We worked closely with Janet and our on-site laboratory to get the look and feel of her new teeth perfect and to give her the final result that would be everything she had dreamed of.

  • Janet now has a new set of upper teeth which has completely transformed her smile. She can now speak with total confidence and can eat anything she wants without the discomfort she used to feel with her denture.


Lesley: Full Arch Implant Treatment


Jan: Multiple Teeth Implant Treatment