What is a Dental Implant?

The Implant & The Crown

Diagram of a natural tooth and implant with a crown

The dental implant design is carefully crafted to mimic a natural tooth. A tooth consists of two parts:

The crownthe part of the tooth that sits above the gums

The rootthe part sitting securely below the gum

The Implant Crown looks exactly like a healthy natural tooth. We work very hard to make the crown look and feel just as your tooth did before.

The Dental Implant functions as a replacement for the natural root, it stimulates bone attachment (a process known as osseointegration) to the titanium implant thread for a stable foundation, typically taking 8-12 weeks.

The dental implants are made of biocompatible titanium, the same material used in knee replacement surgery because we know how well the body accepts it. For most people, they can be a fixed option which means they don’t need to be removed at night.

On to the implant we can attach a single crown, multiple teeth (a bridge) or a whole row (full arch or full mouth).

Rest assured, you don’t need to be left with an unsightly gap during your implant treatment, as a temporary tooth can always be fitted to fill the gap.

In this video Georgina Cooper restorative dentist at The Implant Centre, talks about what a dental implant is.


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