Multiple Teeth Implant Treatment

An ideal long-term solution

Do you dislike wearing a denture or have a failing bridge? Are you unable to chew properly and eat what you want with confidence? You don’t have enough teeth to support a bridge? You don’t want your teeth to be damaged by a bridge?

Implants are an ideal long-term solution that look, feel and function just like natural teeth. They do not damage adjacent healthy teeth, are fixed in place and there is no need to remove them to clean them.

If you are missing several adjacent teeth, they may either be replaced with individual implants (one for each missing tooth), or by joining two or more implants together. This latter option can make implant treatment more affordable when patients are missing many teeth.

The importance of replacing missing back teeth (your molar teeth) cannot be overemphasised, as these are the large multi-rooted teeth that are designed to do the main work of chewing your food. They are your grinding and crunching teeth – the powerhouses of your bite.

When molar teeth have been lost, all this chewing workload gets transferred to the single-rooted teeth at the front of your mouth (your food must be chewed by something!). These front teeth are simply not designed to grind and crunch food in the way your molar teeth are, and these excess stresses on your front teeth will inevitably cause damage in the long term.

Dr Daniel Mace, Restorative Dentist at The Implant Centre, talks about the ‘multiple tooth implant treatment’ and its options.

Our ‘mult-tooth treatment’ patient Mike talks about his experience.

“I am no longer last at the dinner table!”


Full Mouth or Full Arch Implants


Single Tooth Implants