Jan: Multiple Teeth Implant Treatment

“I am no longer last at the dinner table!”

Treatment overview

  • Jan lost all his chewing teeth on the top left side of his mouth. He found chewing all of his food on the right side of his mouth irritating. While overseas, he spoke to a dental clinic about implant treatment. They told him there wasn't enough bone, and he would need ‘major bone grafting’. It became a bigger procedure than he had expected. Jan was unsure of the local surgeons' ability. And there was no backup if something went wrong. So in the end he decided against treatment overseas.

  • Jans' dentist referred him to The Implant Centre. Reassured by our team, he started treatment on his first appointment. We are world leaders in the use of shorter implants. This meant he would not need any bone grafting at all. This was great news for Jan.

    The treatment was as simple as possible. Two implants were placed in one appointment. A short session, with standard local dental anaesthetics. Jan completed all his surgery during his first appointment. He completed the rest of his treatment without the need for more injections.

    We took simple impressions of his implants. Then sent them to our award-winning on-site dental laboratory. They manufactured two perfect screw-retained crowns. The fitted crowns are so secure they will not come loose.

    Jan can eat confidently on both sides of his mouth. This reduces the wear and tear on the other stressed teeth. The new implants stop any untoward movement of the other teeth. This can occur with space left by a gap.

  • Jan can chew on both sides of his mouth with comfort and confidence. He loves that he is no longer 'the last to leave the dinner table'. The treatment was simple and effective. Jan wished he hadn't waited so long to start treatment.


Janet: Full Arch & Single Tooth Implant Treatment


Charlotte: Single Tooth Implant Treatment