What happens at our comprehensive dental implant assessment?

This appointment involves a very careful assessment of your case. You need never be left with a visible gap in your mouth.

The consultation usually takes one hour, during which time you will meet the team at the centre, followed by a detailed discussion of your dental and medical history (most of our surgeons are also qualified medical doctors), and your aims for treatment. We will then undertake a very careful and detailed examination of your mouth, including an oral health and cancer screen.

You will have any necessary X-rays taken so that we can then begin the process of assessing the bone volume available for implants. At this stage, we can usually advise you on your suitability for implants and begin the detailed discussion of the different treatment options available to you, how implants work and the stages and costs involved.

More complex cases sometimes require more time to plan properly, and it may even be necessary for you to be seen by more than one clinician. We may need to make some models of your teeth and consider further investigations, such as detailed 3D imaging, before making any decisions. All the costs involved with this will be explained to you.

Once planning is complete, you will be sent a comprehensive treatment plan outlining everything that was discussed at your initial assessment and detailing all the timings and costs of your treatment. This helps reiterate the information you were given during your initial assessment.


Some links to more information and how to enquire about treatment are below…

All Pricing (including clinical assessment)

Patient Journey

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Who are dental implants for?


Your dental implant surgery