Who are dental implants for?

• If you have a tooth which is failing or no longer able to be repaired

• If you have a tooth that can no longer support a bridge

• If you’ve suffered trauma and need to have a tooth removed

• If you have a missing tooth or teeth

• If you have an uncomfortable or ill-fitting denture

• If gum disease is affecting your smile and confidence

• For those wanting to restore their smile and eat with confidence again

We are confident we can help you bring back your smile even if you’ve been told you are not suitable for implants and that a denture is your only option.

All our treatments are performed by some of the best implant clinicians in the country, completely in-house at our dedicated facilities.

See our ‘dental implant options’ video below…


Find some helpful links to more information about treatments and how to enquire below…

see also “Are dental implants right for me?

Enquire now to find out more

Implant Treatments

Why choose us?



Are dental implants right for me?


What happens at our comprehensive dental implant assessment?