Forms New Patient QuestionnaireMedical History UpdateTooth Extraction: Request an AppointmentPeriodontal Treatment: Request an AppointmentDental Hygiene: Request an AppointmentTooth Extraction: Medical HistoryPeriodontal Questionnaire Tooth Extraction Enquiry Form Tooth Extraction Enquiry Form Name* PrefixFirst NameLast Name Date of birth* -Month -DayYearDate Email* Phone Number* Please enter a valid phone number. Address* Street Address Street Address Line 2 CityPostcode County Your preferred practice location* Haywards HeathHove Do you see a dentist regularly?* Haywards HeathHove If yes, have you been told you need a tooth/or teeth extracted? YesNo Which tooth or teeth are of concern?* Please provide any other information you think is important here Thank you for answering these questions, a member of our team will be in contact with you shortly to explain the booking process and fees. Submit Should be Empty: