Your dental implant surgery

Most patients are slightly nervous about this phase of their treatment, but there really is no need to be. We do everything possible to make surgery as stress-free as possible.

To-do’s before surgery:

  • Please eat and drink (non-alcoholic fluids) as normal before all procedures. Do not miss breakfast.

  • Take all of your medication at their normal times.

  • Any medications required and further instructions will be given to you as you arrive.

  • It is very hard not to be nervous about treatment, but please be assured you are in very safe hands. After the surgery, most patients were surprised and delighted that the procedure was so straightforward.

For the placement of a simple single implant, the actual surgery time is only about fifteen minutes. However, you will be booked in for a longer appointment to allow us to put you at ease and to give the local anaesthetic time to work.

The implant surgery is carried out extremely carefully, gently, and precisely and, while it is a surgical procedure, most patients say it is far less traumatic than having a root treatment or tooth extraction. For example, we do not use the high-pitched whining drill that most patients associate with dentistry. The expertise of your surgeons ensures that there should be remarkably little discomfort following treatment, and you should require no more than simple, readily available painkillers. Remember, if the gap where the implant is placed is visible, we can then place and adjust a temporary tooth for you.

In most cases, a small metal cap will be placed on the implant to prevent the need for further surgery. At the end of the procedure, you may have some stitches which dissolve on their own. If they are causing you annoyance or discomfort, we can remove them for you after a week or two. You will be given a detailed instruction sheet on how to maintain and clean your mouth following the surgery, and we will discuss any pain relief or any antibiotics that may be required at this stage.


Some links to more information and how to enquire about treatment are below…

The Patient Journey

Implant Treatments

Why choose us?

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What happens at our comprehensive dental implant assessment?


Making your crowns or bridges on the implants