Alternatives To Implants: Full Denture
Learn about the option of having full dentures in this overview video by one of The Implant Centre’s Restorative Dentists – when they’re required and all the likely issues.
If you have a failing dentition, you know that most, if not all, of your teeth have to be extracted. One option would be to have an immediate replacement full denture manufactured before the extractions are carried out, so you don't have to be toothless at any stage. What we do know about these dentures is that they are sitting on fresh extraction sockets, so people find them very sore initially while things are healing. Then as those sockets are healing, they shrink, and the dentures become very loose and uncomfortable.
Once you've had this temporary or provisional immediate replacement denture, they do need to be replaced after 3 or 4 months once the shrinkage has taken place. To more definitive type dentures.
One of the obvious problems with having full dentures is trying to bite into an apple or crusty bread, that's one of the problems that many patients report to us. The fact that you have to take them out to clean. The fact that they can move when you're chewing, and when you're out, if they're not secure can be embarrassing because you have to use lots of adhesives to keep them in position, which can be sticky and can be very messy.
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