The Treatment of Gum Disease (Periodontal Treatment)

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Sarah Diederich our Periodontist at The Implant Centre, outlines gum disease treatment, from meticulous teeth cleaning and plaque control to stabilising the gum disease.

  • Without meticulous cleaning every single day. The ability of your gums to respond to any treatment that the hygienist or the periodontist does is going to be very limited. So, the most important person in all of this is you.

    What we need to do is firstly, make sure that your plaque control is as good as it possibly can be, and we're now saying three times a day when brushing your teeth. We need to monitor you to see how the gums are responding to treatment. It's important, that the first time we see you, we measure those deep pockets, and then we need to remove the plaque, which is within the pocket attached to the tooth, but below the gum level within that pocket.

    And when we remove all that plaque, hopefully, the gum will then start to zip up and you'll get some more attachment of the gum to the tooth. And the shallower the pocket, the more likely it is for the gum disease to be stable. And that's what we're trying to achieve, stability, we can't cure, but if we can stabilise it, fantastic.

More gum disease related videos below


What is gum disease?


The difference between a Hygienist and a Periodontist