Follow up and maintenance

We are unique in the level of care we provide.

One of the highest accolades given to us is the level of on-going care we offer to patients when treatment is complete. This truly stands us out from other practices, and is part of the reason we have been awarded ‘Best Practice in the UK’ multiple times. This also indicates just how confident we are in the work carried out by The Implant Centre and our partner dentists.

Unlike many other clinics where after your treatment is completed their care ends, here at The Implant Centre we understand that to get the best life out of your implants they need to be well cared for. It is vital that your implants are cleaned very carefully by you and followed up by trained implant dentists.

At the end of your treatment, it is important that you attend regular reviews and we recommend that these are with us at The Implant Centre. This is because, very occasionally, implants can be affected by bone loss around them, in the same way that gum disease can affect the bone around your own natural teeth.

We therefore recommend that we see you after six months, and then on an annual basis, to take x-rays, check the implant and its crown, clean them both as necessary, and take photographs. All of this treatment is carried out without additional charge if you take out our long-term Implant Aftercare Membership.


Some links to more information and how to enquire about treatment are below…

Patient Care

Outstanding Patient Care

Download the aftercare guidelines for your mouth PDF

Enquire Now


Making your crowns or bridges on the implants


Dental Implant Aftercare Membership