Will there be pain after the dental implant procedure?

Pain should not be a big problem. Although you may be sore for a few days after any surgery in your mouth, this can be easily managed with simple analgesics (painkillers). You should take these regularly at the maximum stated dose for the first two days after your surgery. Take whatever painkillers you normally take for headaches, aches, and sprains (ibuprofen and paracetamol make a good combination), and take your first dose before the local anaesthetic has completely worn off.

If after a few days, you experience increasing pain and swelling, you must return to The Implant Centre as soon as possible, so that we can ensure you are not beginning to develop an infection.


Some links to more information and how to enquire about treatment are below…

Patient Care

Outstanding Patient Care

Download the aftercare guidelines for your mouth PDF

Enquire Now


Will there be swelling or bruising around the dental implant?


Can I wear my denture after my dental implant treatment?